5 posts are tagged with "ada skill 2"

  1. August 06, 2021

    Given problem statment A space explorer’s ship crashed on Mars! They send a series of SOS messages to Earth for help. Letters in some of…

  2. August 06, 2021

    Given problem statment Dothraki are planning an attack to usurp King Robert’s throne. King Robert learns of this conspiracy from Raven and…

  3. August 06, 2021

    Given problem statment In this challenge, you will determine whether a string is funny or not. To determine whether a string is funny…

  4. August 05, 2021

    Given problem statment A numeric string, s , is beautiful if it can be split into a sequence of two or more positive integers, solution in…

  5. August 05, 2021

    Given problem statment Sherlock considers a string to be valid if all characters of the string appear the same number of times. It is also…

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