Posts on page 12

  1. August 07, 2021

    You can easily install jenkins on your windows machine by following this step by step tutorial Prerequisites java version 8 or 11 Jenkins…

  2. August 06, 2021

    Whenever George asks Lily to hang out, she’s busy doing homework. George wants to help her finish it faster, but he’s in over his head! Can…

  3. August 06, 2021

    In the previous challenge, you wrote code to perform an Insertion Sort on an unsorted array. But how would you prove that the code is…

  4. August 06, 2021

    Problem description The median of a list of numbers is essentially its middle element after sorting. The same number of elements occur…

  5. August 06, 2021

    Problem description You are given 3 numbers a, b and x. You need to output the multiple of x which is closest to pow(a,b). If more than one…