Develop a jdbc application to store hostel students data in database

Published on August 09, 2021
Last updated August 09, 2021

Problem Statement

  1. Pranathi is a Student in KL University, as situations are not good, she does not want to travel, so she wants to stay in Hostel from this year. There are many more students who are facing the same issue, so our KL University Hostel Management Came to a decision to create a table which includes KL ID Number (Primary Key), First Name, Last Name, Year of Study, Gender, Department, Mobile Number, Date of Birth (Must use “Date” data type), Parent Name, Parent Mobile Number, Address, proof (Photo of KL ID Card) and the Payment Receipt (PDF). Help the K L Hostel Management to Manage Database with their requirements.

  2. Assume you are a student who opted to stay in Hostel at the time of registrations and fill the details that are required to book a room in a hostel.

SQL statement used to create hostel table

    first_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 
    last_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 
    year_of_study INTEGER NOT NULL, 
    gender VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, 
    department VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, 
    mobile VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, 
    dob DATE NOT NULL, 
    parent_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 
    parent_mobile_number VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, 
    address VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 
    id_card BLOB NOT NULL, 
    payment_receipet BLOB NOT NULL

In the program we execute the above SQL query using Statement it will create hostel table with all the required parameters.

The compete code is

Please change the database connection parameters before executing the code

import java.sql.*;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.util.*;

class skill2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Connection con = getConnection();

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        boolean exit = false;


        while (!exit) {
            System.out.println("1. Add students data to hostel database");
            System.out.println("2. View all data in hostel database");
            System.out.println("3. Delete student data from hostel database");
            System.out.println("4. Exit the program");

            int choice = sc.nextInt();

            switch (choice) {
                case 1:
                    insert_into_hostel_table(con, sc);

                case 2:

                case 3:
                    System.out.println("Enter the id of the student to be deleted");
                    int tmp_id = sc.nextInt();
                    delete_student_data(con, tmp_id);

                case 4:
                    exit = true;

                    System.out.println("Please Try Again");


    public static Connection getConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {


        String dbUserName = "system";

        String dbUserPassword = "nikhil";

        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE", dbUserName, dbUserPassword);

        return con;


    public static void create_hostel_table(Connection con) {
        try {
            String create_hostel_table_query = "CREATE TABLE hostel(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, year_of_study INTEGER NOT NULL, gender VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, department VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, mobile VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, dob DATE NOT NULL, parent_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, parent_mobile_number VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, id_card BLOB NOT NULL, payment_receipet BLOB NOT NULL)";

            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();


            System.out.println("Hostel database created successfully");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e);

    public static void insert_into_hostel_table(Connection con, Scanner sc) {
        try {
            String hostel_insert_query = "INSERT INTO hostel(id, first_name, last_name, year_of_study, gender, department, mobile, dob, parent_name, parent_mobile_number, address, id_card, payment_receipet) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

            System.out.println("Enter your id number");
            int id = sc.nextInt();

            System.out.println("Enter your first name");
            String first_name = sc.nextLine();

            System.out.println("Enter your last name");
            String last_name = sc.nextLine();

            System.out.println("Enter your year of study");
            int year_of_study = sc.nextInt();

            System.out.println("Enter your gender");
            String gender =;

            System.out.println("Enter your Department");
            String department =;

            System.out.println("Enter your mobile number");
            String mobile =;

            System.out.println("Enter your date of birth in yyyy-mm-dd format");
            String dob_str =;
            Date dob = Date.valueOf(dob_str);

            System.out.println("Enter your parent name");
            String parent_name = sc.nextLine();

            System.out.println("Enter your parent's mobile number");
            String parent_mobile = sc.nextLine();

            System.out.println("Enter your address");
            String address = sc.nextLine();

            System.out.println("Enter the location of kl id photo in your file system");
            String id_card = sc.nextLine();

            System.out.println("Enter the location of payment receipet in your file system");
            String payment_receipet = sc.nextLine();

            PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(hostel_insert_query);

            pstmt.setInt(1, id);
            pstmt.setString(2, first_name);
            pstmt.setString(3, last_name);
            pstmt.setInt(4, year_of_study);
            pstmt.setString(5, gender);
            pstmt.setString(6, department);
            pstmt.setString(7, mobile);
            pstmt.setDate(8, dob);
            pstmt.setString(9, parent_name);
            pstmt.setString(10, parent_mobile);
            pstmt.setString(11, address);

            FileInputStream id_fin = new FileInputStream(id_card);
            pstmt.setBinaryStream(12, id_fin, id_fin.available());

            FileInputStream payment_receipt_fin = new FileInputStream(payment_receipet);
            pstmt.setBinaryStream(13, payment_receipt_fin, payment_receipt_fin.available());


            System.out.println("Data inserted successfully");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e);

    public static void viewData(Connection con) {
        try {
            String view_students_query = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM hostel";
            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(view_students_query);
            if (!rs.isBeforeFirst()) {
                System.out.println("No data");
            } else {
                System.out.println("Id number  |  First name  |  Last name");
                while (
                    System.out.println(rs.getInt(1) + "  " + rs.getString(2) + " " + rs.getString(3));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e);

    public static void delete_student_data(Connection con, int id) {
        try {
            String delete_query = "DELETE FROM hostel WHERE id = ?";
            PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(delete_query);
            pstmt.setInt(1, id);
            System.out.println("Deleted student with id " + id + " succesfully");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e);

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